The purpose of this page is just to serve as todo or scratch pad for the development project and to list and share some ideas.

After making changes to the code and/or documentation, this page should remain on the website as a reminder of what was done and how it was done. However, there is no guarantee that this page is updated in the end to reflect the final state of the project

So chances are that this page is considerably outdated and irrelevant. The notes here might not reflect the current state of the code, and you should not use this as serious documentation.

Add support for reading data from any file format supported by neuroshare


  • should be general function that can work with any of the formats supported by neuroshare
  • test and implement for cyberkinetics data


read_neuroshare function:

  • read header
  • read event
  • read data (analog)
  • read spike (timestamps and waveforms)


  • getting started with cyberkinetics data


%% read_header

tmp = read_neuroshare(filename);

% This returns a header structure with the following elements
%   hdr.Fs                  sampling frequency
%   hdr.nChans              number of channels
%   hdr.nSamples            number of samples per trial
%   hdr.nSamplesPre         number of pre-trigger samples in each trial
%   hdr.nTrials             number of trials
%   hdr.label               cell-array with labels of each channel
%   hdr.FirstTimeStamp      integer, only available for some subformats (mainly animal electrophysiology systems)
%   hdr.TimeStampPerSample  integer, only available for some subformats (mainly animal electrophysiology systems)
% Depending on the file format, additional header information can be
% returned in the hdr.orig subfield.

hdr = [];
hdr.Fs                  = tmp.hdr.seginfo(1).SampleRate; % take the fs from the first chan (assuming this is the same for all chans)
hdr.nChans              = tmp.hdr.fileinfo.EntityCount;
hdr.nSamples            = max([tmp.hdr.entityinfo.ItemCount]); % take the number of samples from the longest channel
hdr.nSamplesPre         = 0; % continuous data
hdr.nTrials             = 1; % continuous data
hdr.label               = {tmp.hdr.entityinfo.EntityLabel}; %%% contains non-unique chans

% FIXME: onderstaande gaat alleen als readspike == 'yes' %
hdr.FirstTimeStamp      = tmp.spikew.timestamp(1); % = same ???
hdr.TimeStampPerSample  = [];

%% read_event

tmp = read_neuroshare(filename, 'readevent', 'yes');

% This function returns an event structure with the following fields
%   event.type      = string
%   event.sample    = expressed in samples, the first sample of a recording is 1
%   event.value     = number or string
%   event.offset    = expressed in samples
%   event.duration  = expressed in samples
%   event.timestamp = expressed in timestamp units, which vary over systems (optional)
% The event type and sample fields are always defined, other fields can be empty,
% depending on the type of event file. Events are sorted by the sample on
% which they occur.

for i=1:length(tmp.hdr.eventinfo)
  event(i).type      = tmp.hdr.eventinfo(i).EventType;
  event(i).value     =;
  event(i).timestamp = tmp.event.timestamp(i);
  event(i).sample    = tmp.event.sample(i);

% FIXME: i don't understand the neuroshare event structure yet...
% for i=1:length(tmp.event.timestamp)
%     event(i).type      = tmp.hdr.eventinfo(i).EventType;
%     event(i).value     =;
%     event(i).timestamp = tmp.event.timestamp(i);
%     event(i).sample    = tmp.event.sample(i);
% end

%% read_data

tmp = read_neuroshare(filename, 'readanalog', 'yes', 'chanindx', chanindx, 'begsample', begsample, 'endsample', endsample);

% This function returns a 2-D matrix of size Nchans*Nsamples for
% continuous data when begevent and endevent are specified, or a 3-D
% matrix of size Nchans*Nsamples*Ntrials for epoched or trial-based
% data when begtrial and endtrial are specified.

dat =';

%% read_spike

tmp = read_neuroshare(filename, 'readspike', 'yes');

% The output spike structure contains
%   spike.label     = 1xNchans cell-array, with channel labels
%   spike.waveform  = 1xNchans cell-array, each element contains a matrix (Nsamples X Nspikes)
%   spike.timestamp = 1xNchans cell-array, each element contains a vector (1 X Nspikes)
%   spike.unit      = 1xNchans cell-array, each element contains a vector (1 X Nspikes)

spike.label = {tmp.hdr.entityinfo(tmp.list.segment).EntityLabel};
for i=1:length(spike.label)
  spike.waveform{i}  =,:,i);
  spike.timestamp{i} = tmp.spikew.timestamp(:,i)';
  spike.unit{i}      = tmp.spikew.unitID(:,i)';

% FIXME: spiket is somehow similar to spikew.timestamp, but without the nan/zero elements...?