The purpose of this page is just to serve as todo or scratch pad for the development project and to list and share some ideas.

After making changes to the code and/or documentation, this page should remain on the website as a reminder of what was done and how it was done. However, there is no guarantee that this page is updated in the end to reflect the final state of the project

So chances are that this page is considerably outdated and irrelevant. The notes here might not reflect the current state of the code, and you should not use this as serious documentation.

Check the consistency between the documentation and the implementations


  • the reference documentation should be included in the m-files (i.e. ā€œhelp function_nameā€)
  • the documentation should be complete w.r.t. the underlying implementation
  • the documentation should be up-to-date, and should be easily kept up-to-date
  • the structure between the functions should become more transparent

The help of any function could look like this

% FUNNAME does something useful
% Use as
%    output = funname(cfg, input)
% where the input is the result from OTHER_FUNNAME
% The cfg contains
% =
% =
% =
% =
% See also OTHER_FUNNAME, and other related functions

The second commented block in each file (i.e. which is not visible when you type help, but which is visible if you edit the file) can contain the more advanced and obscure options. Furthermore, it can contain a description of the dependencies of the reference documentation of this function on the documentation in other (private) functions.

% Undocumented local options
%   cfg.yyy
%   cfg.yyy
%   cfg.yyy
%   cfg.yyy
%   cfg.yyy
% This function depends on prepare_zzz, which has the following options
%   cfg.zzz
%   cfg.zzz
%   cfg.zzz
%   cfg.zzz
%   cfg.zzz
% This function depends on prepare_aaa, which has the following options
% ...

Step 1: get an overview of all undocumented options

All 0th order (local options) and 1st order (direct dependency on a private function) dependencies are now included in the ā€œundocumented optionsā€ section in each m-file. Status: done.

Step 2: ensure consistency between the documentation of cfg options in different functions

Status: done.

Step 3: automatize the creation of the html documentation for the FieldTrip site

The documentation should consist of an overview of the main commands with the complete help similar as in MATLAB (reference) and an index with all cfg options. Status: done.

These should be cross-linked. Status: no attempts yet.

Appendix: some useful unix commands

Finding all configuration option

grep -o 'cfg\.[a-zA-Z0-9]_' function_name.m
grep -o 'cfg\.[a-zA-Z0-9]_' _.m
grep -o 'cfg\.[a-zA-Z0-9]_' function_name.m | sort | uniq
grep -o 'cfg\.[a-zA-Z0-9]_' _.m | sort | uniq

Getting the Nth paragraphs of a text file (the N below should be changed into a number)

cat function_name.m | awk "BEGIN {t=1}; /^$/ {t=t+1}; !/^$/ {if ((t-N)==0) print}"

Get a set of files that describe all configuration options in the help and in the code, and determine the configuration options that are missing from either the help or the code:

for file in _.m ; do grep -v '^%' \$file | grep -o 'cfg\.[a-zA-Z0-9]_' | sort | uniq > $file.cfg_code ; done
for file in *.m ; do grep    '^%' $file | grep -o 'cfg\.[a-zA-Z0-9]_' | sort | uniq > \$file.cfg_help ; done
for file in _.m ; do diff $file.cfg_* > $file.diff ; done
for file in _.diff ; do grep '^`<' $file | tr '<' '%' >` \$file.missing_help ; done
for file in _.diff ; do grep '^>' $file | tr '>' '%' > $file.missing_code ; done