
To make sure everything works correctly, we use regression testing. This way, we can be confident that when we add, modify, or remove a function, we won’t break the existing ones. Testing also helps us find and fix any issues early on, ensuring that FieldTrip functions smoothly for all users. We use nightly testing as part of the release procedure.

FieldTrip is a toolbox with many functions, designed to be compatible with each other. This means that one function often relies on the output of another function. Functions are categorized as high, low-level, or private, with high-level functions depending on low-level and private functions. The regression testing mainly focusses on high- and low-level functions that users can call from their analysis scripts.

How are the tests organized in FieldTrip?

All the test scripts (technically they are functions) are located in fieldtrip/test directory. Tests are called as test_xxx.m when they can run without user interaction, or inspect_xxx.m when user interaction is needed, e.g., judging whether the figure is correct, clicking on a button, or closing a figure to continue the analysis.

The test scripts are further split into unit tests related to specific FieldTrip function, tests related to tutorial and example documentation on the website, and tests related to bugs, issues or pull requests.

Test scripts that relate to a specific FieldTrip function are commonly named test_ft_xxx, where ft_xxx is the function being tested. We try to make these tests exhaustive, so that they go over as many options as possible.

Analysis scripts used by researchers are often based on the tutorial and example documentation on the website. We test these with test_example_xxx and test_tutorial_xxx respectively. To ensure that new versions of FieldTrip remain compatible with existing scripts from users that were based on older tutorial documentation, we keep old versions of these test scripts.

To link related scripts to the background information on bug reports and/or online discussions that we have when making changes to the code, test scripts that relate to a bug on http://bugzilla.fieldtriptoolbox.org/ are named as text_bugXXX, test scripts that relate to an issue on https://github.com/fieldtrip/fieldtrip/issues/ are named as test_issueXXX, and test script that relate to a pull request on https://github.com/fieldtrip/fieldtrip/pulls/ are named as test_pullXXX, where XXX is the number of the bug, issue or pull request. This allows everyone to look up the initial report and the follow-up discussion.

If you suspect a problem with the FieldTrip code, the best way to resolve it is to post it on GitHub as an issue and to contribute a (small) test script that helps us to reproduce the problem. After fixing the problem, we then add the script to the test directory to ensure future code quality. More information on that topic is provided in the reporting issues FieldTrip webpage.

Test data that is related to a specific GitHub or Bugzilla issue is named correspondingly, for example bugXXX.mat or issueXXX.mat.

Failed and obsolete tests

The directory fieldtrip/test/invalid contains failed and obsolete tests. These usually relate to bugs that were hard to reproduce and/or could not be fixed directly, and to obsolete tests for functionality that is not important anymore. This directory exists for historical reasons and the tests that it includes are not considered for automatic execution.

Requirements and dependencies

In the beginning of each test script a list of dependencies is provided. An example of this list is:

% WALLTIME 00:10:00
% MEM 2gb
% DATA no
% DEPENDENCY ft_definetrial ft_preprocessing

This helps to select an appropriate subset of tests to run based on:

  1. WALLTIME: The duration that a test needs to run. This duration is usually more than the actual duration needed since it also includes the time that MATLAB itself takes to start (which is about 30-60 seconds) and the time that it takes to load the test data.
  2. MEM: MEM stands for memory, and it represents the amount of memory required for a test to run.
  3. DATA: The external data that the test requires to run. More specifically, DATA no means that the test doesn’t need any external data to run. DATA public means it needs data available from the download server. DATA private means that it needs data that are not publicly accessible but only to people working in the DCCN.
  4. DEPENDENCY: The dependencies, i.e. high- or low-level FieldTrip functions to which the test script is particularly sensitive. There are three types of dependencies within the FieldTrip codebase: self-dependencies (where a function relies on itself), direct dependencies (comprising both high-level and some low-level FieldTrip functions called directly within a test script), and indirect dependencies (involving some low-level functions and all the private FieldTrip functions that, while they are not directly called within a test script, still play a role in the execution process). For example, in FieldTrip you can run:

     ft_test find_dependency test_bug46

    to find what are the direct dependencies of test_bug46.

Running existing tests

Running a FieldTrip test is as easy as writing the name of the test in the command line. For example, to run one of the tests, you would type:


More background information about this test and others that are named test_bugXXX can be found on bugzilla. Tests that are named test_issueXXX have more information in a GitHub issue, and those named test_pullXXX have more information in a GitHub pull request.

Finding tests

When you modify or remove pre-existing code, you should find the necessary test scripts and run them on your local computer. Note that these test scripts are also included in your own fieldtrip/test directory.

For example, let’s say you made a modification to the ft_preprocessing function. You first need to see if the corresponding test for ft_preprocessing exists. These tests are always starting with test_ft_xxx where ft_xxx is the function being tested. In our case test_ft_preprocessing exists. So, we need to run this test first.

If test_ft_preprocessing did not exist or if you want to do a more detailed testing, you can list all test scripts together with their list of requirements and dependencies in a MATLAB table:

% find your copy of FieldTrip
[ftver, ftpath] = ft_version;

% list all m-files in the test directory
d1 = dir(fullfile(ftpath, 'test', 'test_*.m'));
d2 = dir(fullfile(ftpath, 'test', 'inspect_*.m'));
d  = [d1; d2];

name        = cell(numel(d), 1);
walltime    = cell(numel(d), 1);
mem         = cell(numel(d), 1);
data        = cell(numel(d), 1);
dependency  = cell(numel(d), 1);
skip        = false(numel(d), 1);

for i=1:numel(d)
  lines  = readlines(fullfile(d(i).folder, d(i).name));

  line1 = find(startsWith(lines, '% WALLTIME'));
  line2 = find(startsWith(lines, '% MEM'));
  line3 = find(startsWith(lines, '% DATA'));
  line4 = find(startsWith(lines, '% DEPENDENCY'));

  if length(line1)==1 && length(line2)==1 && length(line3)==1 && length(line4)==1
    name{i}        = d(i).name(1:end-2); % remove the .m
    walltime{i}    = lines{line1}(length('% WALLTIME ')+1:end);
    mem{i}         = lines{line2}(length('% MEM ')+1:end-2); % remove the "gb"
    data{i}        = lines{line3}(length('% DATA ')+1:end);
    dependency{i}  = lines{line4}(length('% DEPENDENCY ')+1:end);
    % something is wrong
    skip(i) = true;
end % for all files

test = table(name, walltime, mem, data, dependency);

% continue with the ones that specify the WALLTIME, MEG, DATA and DEPENDENCY
filtered_test = test(~skip,:);

You can then select the tests that for example depend on ft_preprocessing.

keepRows = contains(filtered_test.dependency, 'ft_preprocessing');
filtered_test = filtered_test(keepRows, :);

If you are an external contributor outside the DCCN network, you can select tests that only use publicly available or no data. In that case you have to remove the test scripts that depend on private data:

keepRows = ~strcmp(filtered_test.data, 'private');
filtered_test = filtered_test(keepRows, :);

To quickly find potential errors, you may want to run the short and small tests first. You can sort the tests with increasing memory and walltime:

% Convert the memory from string to numbers to allow sorting.
filtered_test.mem = str2double(filtered_test.mem);

filtered_test = sortrows(filtered_test, 'mem',      'ascend');
filtered_test = sortrows(filtered_test, 'walltime', 'ascend');

To run the first 10 tests, you can do:

for i=1:size(filtered_test,1)
    fprintf('\n ------------------------ \n');
    fprintf('Running test: %s \n\n', filtered_test.name{i})

Extending existing tests

The test scripts validate specific functionality that is used in tutorials and/or in the analysis scripts that other people are writing or have written in the past. For this reason, you should in general not change or remove perceived problems from the existing test scripts themselves, as that might break backward compatibility.

If you modify a function and subsequently encounter errors in its corresponding test script, it is likely due to your change to the code. You should correct your changes and rerun the test script until it passes.

If you add a new functionality to an existing FieldTrip function, you should extend its corresponding test script with this new functionality.

Adding a new test script

When you add a new FieldTrip function, you should write a new test script to accompany it.

Test “scripts” should actually not be MATLAB scripts, but MATLAB functions. They start with function test_xxx and take (in general) no input arguments and produce no output arguments. The test can print diagnostic information on screen, but most important is that the test passes or that it fails with an error. You can use the error or the assert functions.

How to name new test scripts

When adding a test script, please call them test_xxx.m when it can run without user interaction, or inspect_xxx.m when user interaction is needed, e.g., judging whether the figure is correct or clicking on a button.

To link related scripts to background information on issues, please first file an issue on github, note the number that it receives, and name the test script text_issueXXX.m. This links the code to the online documentation and also allows allows future contributors to look up the details. Of course you can also add add additional URL links inside the test script yourself, for example to published methods or publicly available data.

How to implement algorithmic tests

Method A: If possible, the scripts should check against an internal reference solution, i.e., the outcome of the algorithm on particular ideal data is known, therefore the correctness of the algorithm can be tested using simulated data. For instance, the MATLAB function multiply(2, 3) has to be tested against the expected outcome which is 6.

Method B: If that is not possible or difficult, the scripts should check the consistency of one implementation with another implementation. For example, you create a custom-made function to calculate the square of a number. Then you need to compare its result with the result obtained by using MATLAB’s built-in power.

Method C: If that is also not possible, the result of the algorithm on a particular real-world dataset has to be interpreted as being correct, and that solution should be reused as reference solution (i.e. regression testing). For example, if a function calculates the forward solution for a certain subject then it should be tested against a reference solution, which could be the forward solution of a subject in MNI coordinates.

Tests that need to load test data should include dccnpath to ensure that every user has the correct path to the test data. This function takes as input the path to where the file is located on DCCN central storage and compute cluster; the output is the corresponding path to the file on your local computer. Publicly available data is downloaded automatically from the download server.

When you create a new test script, you should always include a list of requirements and dependencies at the beginning of the script. For instance:

% WALLTIME 00:10:00
% MEM 2gb
% DATA public
% DEPENDENCY ft_definetrial ft_preprocessing

Regarding the list of dependencies:

Memory & Walltime

Test that are executed automatically (i.e., files with the name test_xxx.m) MUST include the amount of memory that the execution takes and the duration that the test script runs. This is needed to schedule the test scripts on the Donders compute cluster.

The memory should include the amount that MATLAB takes itself (which is about 2gb); it does not have to be very accurate, rounding it up to the nearest GB is fine. The time should include the time that MATLAB itself takes to start (which is about 30-60 seconds), but also the time that it takes to load data, etcetera. Again, there is no reason to make this very tight, if it is too short the execution of the test job might be aborted before it has completed. We suggest using for example 10 or 20 minutes, or 1 or 2 hours.

Data usage

You SHOULD include a line that lists whether your test script uses private, public, or no data. In case you contribute a test script that requires data, please share it with the developers or attach it to the pull request.

Dependency on other FieldTrip functions

All test scripts SHOULD ideally include a line that lists the dependencies, i.e. (high- or low-level) toolbox functions to which the test script is particularly sensitive. This allows to quickly search for existing test scripts and evaluate them upon changing the specific toolbox function.

Working with data

Some test scripts use simulated data generated in the test script and don’t need any external data to run.

For test scripts that do read data from disk, data files must be present on the DCCN central storage. There are two types of test data: private and public.

Private test data is stored in the directory /home/common/matlab/fieldtrip/data/test, which on the DCCN Windows desktops is available on H:\common\matlab\fieldtrip\data\test. This is only available to users inside the DCCN.

Public test data is stored in the directory /home/common/matlab/fieldtrip/data/ftp, which on the Donders Windows desktops is available on H:\common\matlab\fieldtrip\data\ftp. This data is also available from the download server.

Note that test scripts that depend on public data or that do not require any data can be executed by everyone. If needed, the dccnpath function will download the public data automatically.