Compute forward simulated data with the low-level ft_compute_leadfield

Rather than using the high-level ft_dipolesimulation, this uses the low-level ft_compute_leadfield. Note that this makes you responsible of more bookkeeping.

% create a set of electrodes, randomly placed on a sphere
elec = [];
elec.pnt = randn(128,3);
radius = sqrt(sum(elec.pnt.^2,2));
elec.pnt = elec.pnt ./ [radius radius radius];  % scale them to a unit sphere
for i=1:128
 elec.label{i} = sprintf('%03d', i);
elec.elecpos = elec.pnt;

% create a concentric 3-sphere volume conductor, the radius is the same as for the electrodes
vol = [];
vol.r = [0.88 0.92 1.00]; % radii of spheres
vol.cond = [1 1/80 1];       % conductivity
vol.o = [0 0 0];          % center of sphere

% compute the leadfield for a dipole at position [0 0 0.5]
pos = [0 0 0.5];
lf = ft_compute_leadfield(pos, elec, vol);

% compute the potential distribution for a dipole with x-orientation
mom = [1 0 0]';
pot = lf * mom;

% plot the 3-D distribution of the potential over the sphere surface
elec.tri = convhulln(elec.pnt)
patch('faces', elec.tri, 'vertices', elec.pnt, 'FaceVertexCData', pot, 'FaceColor', 'interp')
axis equal; axis vis3d