Compute EEG leadfields using a FEM headmodel

[ftver, ftpath] = ft_version;

%% read mri
mri = ft_read_mri('Subject01.mri');

%% segmentation
cfg          = [];
cfg.output   = {'gray', 'white', 'csf', 'skull', 'scalp'};
segmentedmri = ft_volumesegment(cfg, mri);

%% mesh
cfg        = [];
cfg.shift  = 0.3;
cfg.method = 'hexahedral';
mesh       = ft_prepare_mesh(cfg,segmentedmri);

%% volume conductor
cfg              = [];
cfg.method       = 'simbio';
cfg.conductivity = [0.33 0.14 1.79 0.01 0.43];
headmodel        = ft_prepare_headmodel(cfg, mesh);

%% electrode alignment
elec = ft_read_sens(fullfile(ftpath,'template/electrode/standard_1020.elc'));

% the location of the fiducials is specified in the MRI
fiducials = mri.fid;

% match the fiducials from the elec structure with those of the MRI
cfg          = [];
cfg.method   = 'fiducial';
cfg.template = fiducials;
cfg.elec     = elec;
cfg.fiducial = {'Nz', 'LPA', 'RPA'};
elec_align   = ft_electroderealign(cfg);

% add 12 mm to the x-axis, needed due to different definitions of the fiducials
% the ear points are placed at the ear canals in the MRI, and at the pre-auricular points in the electrodes
% an interactive realignment is recommendedto check that it all fits
n = size(elec_align.chanpos, 1);
for i=1:n
 elec_align.chanpos(i,1) = elec_align.chanpos(i,1) + 12;
 elec_align.elecpos(i,1) = elec_align.elecpos(i,1) + 12;

ft_plot_sens(elec_align, 'label', 'label');
hold on
ft_plot_mesh(mesh,'edgeonly', 'yes', 'vertexcolor', 'none', 'facecolor', [0.5 0.5 0.5], 'facealpha',1, 'edgealpha', 0.1)

%% make the sourcemodel/grid
cfg            = [];
cfg.mri        = mri;
sourcemodel    = ft_prepare_sourcemodel(cfg);
sourcemodel    = ft_convert_units(sourcemodel, headmodel.unit);

cfg            = [];
cfg.headmodel  = headmodel;
cfg.elec       = elec_align;
cfg.grid       = sourcemodel;
lf             = ft_prepare_leadfield(cfg);

% plot the leadfield for a few representative locations: points around z-axis with increasing z values

plotpos   = [];
positions = [];
n = size(lf.pos, 1);
p = 1;
for i = 1:n
  if lf.pos(i,1)==-0.1 && lf.pos(i,2)==-0.2
      positions(p,:) = lf.pos(i,:);

for i=1:20

  ft_plot_topo3d(lf.cfg.elec.chanpos, lf.leadfield{plotpos(i)}(:,3));
  % view([0 0]);


Category: example

Tags: eeg fem leadfield headmodel