Replacements for functions from MathWorks toolboxes

To avoid unnecessary dependencies on functions from non-standard MathWorks toolboxes, FieldTrip includes a number of drop-in replacement functions that have the same functionality as their MATLAB counterparts. Have a look at this FAQ how you can control whether these are added to your path.

Alternatives are provided for the following functions from the MathWorks Statistics Toolbox (stats)

  • nansum, nanstd, etc.
  • betacdf
  • betainv
  • betapdf
  • binocdf
  • binopdf
  • mvnrnd
  • tcdf
  • tinv
  • range

Alternatives are provided for the following functions from the MathWorks Signal Processing Toolbox (signal)

  • barthannwin
  • bilinear
  • blackmanharris
  • bohmanwin
  • boxcar
  • butter
  • downsample
  • filtfilt
  • fir1
  • fir2
  • firls
  • flattopwin
  • gausswin
  • hann
  • hanning
  • hilbert
  • kaiser
  • nuttallwin
  • parzenwin
  • rectwin
  • resample
  • triang
  • tukeywin
  • upfirdn
  • upsample
  • window

Alternatives are provided for the following functions from the MathWorks Image Processing Toolbox (images)

  • rgb2hsv

Category: faq

Tags: matlab toolbox path