Why is my message rejected from the email discussion list?

It might be that you receive the following message when you try to post a question to the email discussion list.

You are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message
has been automatically rejected.  If you think that your messages are
being rejected in error, contact the mailing list owner at

The most frequent cause is that the email address from which you are sending your email is different from the one that you used when you subscribed to the email list.

For example, you might use john.doe@example.com to send messages, and j.doe@example.com to receive them. On your side it might appear that both email addresses are the same as messages to both would end up at the same location on your computer, but to the email list server they are different.

To ensure that your email reaches the email discussion list, you have to ensure that the address configured in your email client as the “from” address is the same as the one you used to register. I.e., you should register with the same address as the one you have in your “from” field.

Alternatively, you can also register with both addresses and then use the web interface to configure one of the email addresses not to receive emails. That allows you to send from both, but you won’t be receiving messages twice.

Tags: faq email