Analysis script to perform the group analysis

This page is part of the Interactive Virtual Workshop organized by the Fetal, Infant, & Toddler Neuroimaging Group.

The script on this page and the data in BIDS format are part of Meyer, M., Lamers, D., Kayhan, E., Hunnius, S., & Oostenveld, R. (2021). Enhancing reproducibility in developmental EEG research: BIDS, cluster-based permutation tests, and effect sizes, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 52, 101036,

The infant EEG dataset is originally described in Kayhan, E., Meyer, M., O’Reilly, J. X., Hunnius, S., & Bekkering, H. (2019). Nine-month-old infants update their predictive models of a changing environment. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 38, 100680.

The MATLAB code should be executed as follows

  • do_setpath
  • do_convert_data_to_BIDS (only to be done once)
  • do_prepare_neighbours (only to be done once)
  • do_complete_analysis, this will call
    • do_singlesubject_analysis for each subject
    • do_group_analysis
  • do_convert_results_to_BIDS

The part that we will look at here is the do_group_analysis script.

The complete code is released along with the processed data and can also be browsed online and downloaded from GitHub.

The code here has some minor modifications from the original for compatibility with the downloaded data and for didactic purposes.

Set the path

% The code in this script is referred to in the manuscript as script section 3

% do_setpath

cd ~/Desktop/fitng_stats/fieldtrip-20230215 % CHANGE ACCORDING TO YOUR LOCATION

cd ~/Desktop/fitng_stats/data/ % CHANGE ACCORDING TO YOUR LOCATION
scripts     = fullfile(pwd, 'scripts');
bidsroot    = fullfile(pwd, 'bidsdata');
results     = fullfile(pwd, 'results');
derivatives = fullfile(pwd, 'bidsresults');

% Display step of analysis
disp ('Doing group analysis')

% Specifying results directory for the group level
output_dir = fullfile(results, 'group');

if ~exist(output_dir, 'dir')

Exclude subjects that have too few trials

This part on excluding subjects that gave too few remaining trials after artifact rejection should be skipped.

%% 3.1 First, find and exclude subjects for who too many trials had to be rejected

% Define a trial rejection threshold
threshold = input('Indicate the threshold for percentage of rejected trials as a number between 0 and 100: ');

excluded_participants = [];

for ii = 1:size(subjectlist,1)
  sub       = subjectlist{ii};
  input_dir = fullfile(results, sub);

  % Find information on how many trials were rejected & calculate percent
  % of rejected trials
  if exist([input_dir filesep 'badtrials.mat'], 'file') && exist([input_dir filesep 'trials.mat'], 'file')
    load([input_dir filesep 'badtrials.mat']);
    load([input_dir filesep 'trials.mat']);
    rejected_trials = size(badtrials.begsample, 1);
    total_trials    = size(trl_new.begsample, 1);
    percentage_rejected_trials = (rejected_trials/total_trials)*100;
    % Exclude participants if more than the defined threshold of trials
    % were rejected during artifact rejection
    if percentage_rejected_trials > threshold
      excluded_participants = [excluded_participants, ii];
    % Give warning if artifact rejection has not been performed yet
    warning('Continuing to group analysis, but artifact rejection results cannot be found');

% create updated subject list including only those participants with
% sufficient artifact-free data
subjectlist_new = subjectlist;
subjectlist_new(excluded_participants) = [];

% SKIP Save which participants were excluded
% save(fullfile(output_dir, 'excludedparticipants.mat'), 'excluded_participants');
% save(fullfile(output_dir, 'subjectlist_new.mat'), 'subjectlist_new');

Instead we just load the results:

load(fullfile(output_dir, 'excludedparticipants.mat'), 'excluded_participants');
load(fullfile(output_dir, 'subjectlist_new.mat'), 'subjectlist_new');

3.2 Calculate grand average ERP

%% 3.2 Calculate grand average ERP

% Do so by averaging time-locked data across participants
load(fullfile(output_dir, 'subjectlist_new.mat'), 'subjectlist_new');

for ii = 1:length(subjectlist_new)
  folder                  = [results filesep subjectlist_new{ii}];
  load([folder filesep 'timelock_standard.mat']);
  standard_all(ii)        = { standard };
  load([folder filesep 'timelock_oddball.mat']);
  oddball_all(ii)      = { oddball };

Have a look at the standard_all and oddball_all variables. They are both cell-arrays, and each cell represents the ERP in the standard/oddball condition for a single subject.

We can plot the ERPs of a single subject like this:

cfg                      = [];
cfg.layout               = 'EEG1010.lay';
cfg.interactive          = 'yes';
cfg.showoutline          = 'yes';
cfg.showlabels           = 'yes';
ft_multiplotER(cfg, standard_all{1}, oddball_all{1});

We can also compute the difference wave using ft_math and plot those:

cfg = [];
cfg.parameter = 'avg';
cfg.operation = 'x1-x2';
difference_wave = ft_math(cfg, oddball_all{1}, standard_all{1}); % oddball minus standard

plot(difference_wave.time, difference_wave.avg)

This is something you could do with a for-loop over all participants.

% Calculate grand average for both conditions (standard, oddball) separately
cfg                      = [];              = 'all';
cfg.latency              = 'all';
cfg.parameter            = 'avg';
grandavg_standard        = ft_timelockgrandaverage(cfg, standard_all{:});
grandavg_oddball         = ft_timelockgrandaverage(cfg, oddball_all{:});

% Plot the results
cfg                      = [];
cfg.layout               = 'EEG1010.lay';
cfg.interactive          = 'yes';
cfg.showoutline          = 'yes';
cfg.showlabels           = 'yes';
ft_multiplotER(cfg, grandavg_standard, grandavg_oddball);

% SKIP Save the data
% save(fullfile(output_dir, 'grandaverage_standard.mat'), 'grandavg_standard');
% save(fullfile(output_dir, 'grandaverage_oddball.mat'), 'grandavg_oddball');
% savefig(gcf, fullfile(output_dir, 'topoplot_grandaverage_standard_oddball'));

Again we compute the difference wave using ft_math and plot those:

cfg = [];
cfg.parameter = 'avg';
cfg.operation = 'x1-x2';
difference_wave = ft_math(cfg, grandavg_oddball, grandavg_standard); % oddball minus standard

plot(difference_wave.time, difference_wave.avg)

3.3 Perform cluster-based permutation statistics correcting for multiple comparisons

3.3.1 Perform cluster-based test

% 3.3.1 Perform cluster-based test
load(fullfile(scripts, 'selected_neighbours.mat'));

cfg                       = [];               = 'EEG';
cfg.neighbours            = selected_neighbours; % as defined for this channel layout
cfg.parameter             = 'avg';
cfg.method                = 'montecarlo';
cfg.statistic             = 'ft_statfun_depsamplesT';
cfg.alpha                 = 0.05;
cfg.correctm              = 'cluster';
cfg.correcttail           = 'prob';
cfg.numrandomization      = 2000; % SOMEWHAT SMALLER TO SPEED IT UP

Nsub                      = length(subjectlist_new);,1:2*Nsub)    = [ones(1,Nsub) 2*ones(1,Nsub)];,1:2*Nsub)    = [1:Nsub 1:Nsub];
cfg.ivar                  = 1; % the 1st row in contains the independent variable
cfg.uvar                  = 2; % the 2nd row in contains the subject number

stat_standard_oddball_clusstats  = ft_timelockstatistics(cfg, standard_all{:}, oddball_all{:});

% SKIP Save the data
% save(fullfile(output_dir, 'stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.mat'), 'stat_standard_oddball_clusstats');

You can compare the design matrix to that of an GLM analysis of fMRI data, except that it does not code individual fMRI volumes but subjects, and is transposed with the subjects along colums.


Rather than cfg.method='montecarlo', we could also have used another method, such as 'analytic'. With the analytic computation of p-values, we cannot use cfg.correctm='cluster', but we still could do a correction for multiple comparisons, such as bonferroni or fdr. See ft_statistics_analytic and perhaps you want to give it a try later on.

3.3.2 Plot the results of the cluster-based permutation test

%% 3.3.2 Plot the results of the cluster-based permutation test

load(fullfile(output_dir, 'stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.mat'), 'stat_standard_oddball_clusstats');

% Plot displaying t- and p-value distribution across channels and time
plot_clus = zeros(size(stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.prob));
plot_clus(stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.negclusterslabelmat==1) = -1; % negative cluster
plot_clus(stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.posclusterslabelmat==1) =  1; % positive cluster

imagesc(stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.time, 1:size(stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.label,1),plot_clus)

title('Largest positive and negative cluster');
imagesc(stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.time, 1:size(stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.label,1),  stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.stat)
title('T-values per channel x time');
savefig(gcf, fullfile(output_dir, 'T_and_Pvalues_stat_standard_oddball_clusstats'));

% Plot displaying topographic maps across time bins highlighting channel/time as part of clusters

% For this purpose, calculate the difference between conditions
cfg                       = [];
cfg.operation             = 'subtract';
cfg.parameter             = 'avg';
grandavg_diff_standard_oddball = ft_math(cfg, grandavg_standard, grandavg_oddball);

% Find clusters with a 5% two-sided cutoff based on the cluster p-values
pos_cluster_pvals       = [stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.posclusters(:).prob];
pos_clust               = find(pos_cluster_pvals < 0.025);
pos                     = ismember(stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.posclusterslabelmat, pos_clust);

neg_cluster_pvals       = [stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.negclusters(:).prob];
neg_clust               = find(neg_cluster_pvals < 0.025);
neg                     = ismember(stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.negclusterslabelmat, neg_clust);

% % Alternatively, plot only the first positive/negative cluster
% pos = stat_expected_unexpected_clusstats.posclusterslabelmat ==1;
% neg = stat_expected_unexpected_clusstats.negclusterslabelmat ==1;

% Set plotting specifications
timestep                = 0.05; % plot every 0.05 sec intervals
sampling_rate           = 500; % set sampling frequency
sample_count            = length(stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.time);
j                       = [stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.time(1):timestep:stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.time(end)]; % start of each interval for plotting in seconds
m                       = [1:timestep*sampling_rate:sample_count]; % start of each interval for plotting in sample points

[i1,i2] = match_str(grandavg_diff_standard_oddball.label, stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.label); % matching channel labels

for k = 1:30

  cfg                  = [];
  cfg.figure           = subplot(6,5,k);
  cfg.xlim             = [j(k) j(k+1)]; % current interval
  cfg.zlim             = [-6 6]; % set minimum and maximum z-axis

  pos_int              = zeros(numel(grandavg_diff_standard_oddball.label),1);
  neg_int              = zeros(numel(grandavg_diff_standard_oddball.label),1);
  pos_int(i1)          = all(pos(i2, m(k):m(k+1)),2); % determine which channels are in a cluster throughout the current time interval (pos cluster)
  neg_int(i1)          = all(neg(i2, m(k):m(k+1)),2); % determine which channels are in a cluster throughout the current time interval (neg cluster)

  cfg.highlight        = 'on';
  cfg.highlightchannel = find(pos_int | neg_int); % highlight channels belonging to a cluster
  cfg.highlightcolor   = [1 1 1]; % highlight marker color (default = [0 0 0] (black))
  cfg.comment          = 'xlim';
  cfg.commentpos       = 'title';
  cfg.layout           =  'EEG1010.lay';
  cfg.interactive      = 'no';
  ft_topoplotER(cfg, grandavg_diff_standard_oddball)

% SKIP Save the figure
% savefig(gcf, fullfile(output_dir, 'topoplot_stat_standard_oddball_clusstats'));

3.4 Determine effect size

3.4.1 Option 1: Calculate Cohen’s d for the average difference in the respective cluster

% 3.4.1 Option 1: Calculate Cohen's d for the average difference in the respective cluster

% First for the positive cluster
effect_window_pos = stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.posclusterslabelmat==1;

% Calculate pairwise difference between conditions for each participant
for ii = 1:size(subjectlist_new,1)
  folder                  = [results filesep subjectlist_new{ii}];
  load([folder filesep 'timelock_standard.mat']);
  load([folder filesep 'timelock_oddball.mat']);

  a = standard.avg(effect_window_pos);
  b = oddball.avg(effect_window_pos);
  c = a-b;
  Pos.ERP_Diff_alltimechan(ii,:) =c;
  Pos.ERP_Diff(ii) = nanmean([a - b]);
  clear expected unexpected a b c


% Calculate Cohen's d
Pos.stdev_ERP_diff      = std(Pos.ERP_Diff);
Pos.mean_ERP_diff       = mean(Pos.ERP_Diff);
Pos.cohensd_ERP_diff    = Pos.mean_ERP_diff/Pos.stdev_ERP_diff;

% Then for the negative clustesr
effect_window_neg = stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.negclusterslabelmat==1;

% Calculate pairwise difference between conditions for each participant
for ii = 1:size(subjectlist_new,1)
  folder                  = [results filesep subjectlist_new{ii}];
  load([folder filesep 'timelock_standard.mat']);
  load([folder filesep 'timelock_oddball.mat']);

  a = standard.avg(effect_window_neg);
  b = oddball.avg(effect_window_neg);
  c = a-b;
  Neg.ERP_Diff_alltimechan(ii,:) =c;
  Neg.ERP_Diff(ii) = nanmean([a - b]);
  clear expected unexpected a b c


% Calculate Cohen's d
Neg.stdev_ERP_diff      = std(Neg.ERP_Diff);
Neg.mean_ERP_diff       = mean(Neg.ERP_Diff);
Neg.cohensd_ERP_diff    = Neg.mean_ERP_diff/Neg.stdev_ERP_diff;

3.4.2 Option 2: Determine at maximum effect size and at which channel/time it is maximal (upper bound)

% 3.4.2 Option 2: Determine at maximum effect size and at which channel/time it is maximal (upper bound)

% Determine maximum effect size and at which channel and time point Cohen's d is maximal
for t = 1:size(Pos.ERP_Diff_alltimechan,2)
  Pos.cohensd_ERP_Diff_alltimechan(t) =(nanmean(Pos.ERP_Diff_alltimechan(:,t)))/(std(Pos.ERP_Diff_alltimechan(:,t)));

[Pos.cohensd_ERP_Diff_Max, Pos.idx]     = max(Pos.cohensd_ERP_Diff_alltimechan);
[Pos.row,Pos.col]                       = find(stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.posclusterslabelmat==1);

% Determine maximum effect size and at which channel and time point Cohen's d is maximal

for t = 1:size(Neg.ERP_Diff_alltimechan,2)
  Neg.cohensd_ERP_Diff_alltimechan(t) =(nanmean(Neg.ERP_Diff_alltimechan(:,t)))/(std(Neg.ERP_Diff_alltimechan(:,t)));

[Neg.cohensd_ERP_Diff_Max, Neg.idx]     = min(Neg.cohensd_ERP_Diff_alltimechan);
[Neg.row,Neg.col]                       = find(stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.negclusterslabelmat==1);

3.4.3 Option 3: Calculate effect size on rectangle around cluster results (lower bound)

% 3.4.3 Option 3: Calculate effect size on rectangle around cluster results (lower bound)
% Calculate grand average, keeping information about individual
% participants
cfg                      = [];              = 'all';
cfg.latency              = 'all';
cfg.parameter            = 'avg';
cfg.keepindividual       = 'yes';
grandavg_standard_all    = ft_timelockgrandaverage(cfg, standard_all{:});
grandavg_oddball_all     = ft_timelockgrandaverage(cfg, oddball_all{:});

% First for the largest positive cluster

% Determine time and channels of the largest positive cluster
[Pos.row,Pos.col] = find(stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.posclusterslabelmat==1); % row = channel; col = time
idx_time_min = min(Pos.col);
idx_time_max = max(Pos.col);

% Estimate rectangular window around this cluster
Pos.rect_t_min = stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.time(idx_time_min);
Pos.rect_t_max = stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.time(idx_time_max);
Pos.rect_chan = stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.label(any(stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.mask(:,idx_time_min:idx_time_max),2));

% Calculate effect size (Cohen's d) withing this rectengular window
cfg                     = [];             = Pos.rect_chan;
cfg.latency             = [Pos.rect_t_min Pos.rect_t_max];
cfg.avgoverchan         = 'yes';
cfg.avgovertime         = 'yes';
cfg.method              = 'analytic';
cfg.statistic           = 'cohensd';
cfg.ivar                = 1;
cfg.uvar                = 2;
Nsub                    = length(subjectlist_new);,1:2*Nsub)  = [ones(1,Nsub) 2*ones(1,Nsub)];,1:2*Nsub)  = [1:Nsub 1:Nsub];

effect_rectangle_pos = ft_timelockstatistics(cfg, grandavg_standard_all, grandavg_oddball_all);
Pos.effect_rectangle = effect_rectangle_pos;

% Determine time and channels of the largest negative cluster
[Neg.row,Neg.col] = find(stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.negclusterslabelmat==1);
idx_time_min = min(Neg.col);
idx_time_max = max(Neg.col);

% Estimate rectangular window around this cluster
Neg.rect_t_min = stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.time(idx_time_min);
Neg.rect_t_max = stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.time(idx_time_max);
Neg.rect_chan = stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.label(any(stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.mask(:,idx_time_min:idx_time_max),2));

% Calculate effect size (Cohen's d) withing this rectengular window
cfg                     = [];             = Neg.rect_chan;
cfg.latency             = [Neg.rect_t_min Neg.rect_t_max];
cfg.avgoverchan         = 'yes';
cfg.avgovertime         = 'yes';
cfg.method              = 'analytic';
cfg.statistic           = 'cohensd';
cfg.ivar                = 1;
cfg.uvar                = 2;
Nsub                    = length(subjectlist_new);,1:2*Nsub)  = [ones(1,Nsub) 2*ones(1,Nsub)];,1:2*Nsub)  = [1:Nsub 1:Nsub];

effect_rectangle_neg = ft_timelockstatistics(cfg, grandavg_standard_all, grandavg_oddball_all);
Neg.effect_rectangle = effect_rectangle_neg;

Display results

% Display results

disp(['Contrast: Standard vs. Oddball: ']);
disp(['Effect size Cohens d of average positive cluster is ' num2str(Pos.cohensd_ERP_diff)])
disp(['Maximum effect size is ' num2str(Pos.cohensd_ERP_Diff_Max) ' at channel ' standard.label{Pos.row(Pos.idx)} ' and at time ' num2str(standard.time(Pos.col(Pos.idx))) ' sec']);
disp(['Effect size Cohens d of average on rectangle around positive cluster is ' num2str(effect_rectangle_pos.cohensd)])

disp(['Contrast: Standard vs. Oddball: '])
disp(['Effect size Cohens d of average negative cluster is ' num2str(Neg.cohensd_ERP_diff)])
disp(['Maximum effect size is ' num2str(Neg.cohensd_ERP_Diff_Max) ' at channel ' standard.label{Neg.row(Neg.idx)} ' and at time ' num2str(standard.time(Neg.col(Neg.idx))) ' sec']);
disp(['Effect size Cohens d of average on rectangle around negative cluster is ' num2str(effect_rectangle_neg.cohensd)])

% SKIP Save the data
% save(fullfile(output_dir, 'EffectSize.mat'), 'Neg', 'Pos');

3.4.4 Plot ERP timecourse of the channels with the maximal effect size

%% 3.4.4 Plot ERP timecourse of the channels with the maximal effect size

% Determine variability between participants
se_grandavg_standard = squeeze(nanstd(grandavg_standard_all.individual/sqrt(length(subjectlist_new))));
se_grandavg_oddball = squeeze(nanstd(grandavg_oddball_all.individual/sqrt(length(subjectlist_new))));

% Set color specifications
colour_code = {'b','r', 'k'};
shaded_area = {[0, 0, 1], [1 0 0], [0, 0, 0]};

% Plot the ERP of the channel with maximum effect size of positive Cluster

% Condition 1
plot(grandavg_standard.time,grandavg_standard.avg(Pos.row(Pos.idx),:),colour_code{1}, 'LineWidth', 1.5)
mean_standard = grandavg_standard.avg(Pos.row(Pos.idx),:);
se_standard = se_grandavg_standard(Pos.row(Pos.idx),:);
patch([grandavg_standard.time, fliplr(grandavg_standard.time)], [mean_standard-se_standard, fliplr(mean_standard+se_standard)],  shaded_area{1}, 'edgecolor', 'none', 'FaceAlpha', .3);

hold all

% Condition 2
plot(grandavg_oddball.time,grandavg_oddball.avg(Pos.row(Pos.idx),:),colour_code{2}, 'LineWidth', 1.5)
mean_oddball = grandavg_oddball.avg(Pos.row(Pos.idx),:);
se_oddball = se_grandavg_oddball(Pos.row(Pos.idx),:);
patch([grandavg_standard.time, fliplr(grandavg_standard.time)], [mean_oddball-se_oddball, fliplr(mean_oddball+se_oddball)],  shaded_area{2}, 'edgecolor', 'none', 'FaceAlpha', .3);

% Shaded area to indicate positive cluster
idx_pos_time = find(stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.posclusterslabelmat(Pos.row(Pos.idx),:)==1);
hold all
patch([grandavg_standard.time(idx_pos_time),fliplr(grandavg_standard.time(idx_pos_time))], [(ones(size(grandavg_standard.time(idx_pos_time),2),1)*-15)', fliplr((ones(size(grandavg_standard.time(idx_pos_time),2),1)*15)')], shaded_area{3}, 'edgecolor', 'none', 'FaceAlpha', .1)

xlabel('Time [s]');
ylabel('Amplitude [mV]');
ylim([-15 15])
line([-.5 1],[ 0 0], 'Color', [0 0 0],'LineStyle', ':')
title(['Maximum effect of positive cluster at channel ' grandavg_standard.label(Pos.row(Pos.idx))])

% Plot the ERP of the channel with maximum effect size of negative Cluster

% Condition 1
plot(grandavg_standard.time,grandavg_standard.avg(Neg.row(Neg.idx),:),colour_code{1}, 'LineWidth', 1.5)
mean_standard = grandavg_standard.avg(Neg.row(Neg.idx),:);
se_standard = se_grandavg_standard(Neg.row(Neg.idx),:);
patch([grandavg_standard.time, fliplr(grandavg_standard.time)], [mean_standard-se_standard, fliplr(mean_standard+se_standard)],  shaded_area{1}, 'edgecolor', 'none', 'FaceAlpha', .3);

hold all

% Condition 2
plot(grandavg_oddball.time,grandavg_oddball.avg(Neg.row(Neg.idx),:),colour_code{2}, 'LineWidth', 1.5)
mean_oddball = grandavg_oddball.avg(Neg.row(Neg.idx),:);
se_oddball = se_grandavg_oddball(Neg.row(Neg.idx),:);
patch([grandavg_standard.time, fliplr(grandavg_standard.time)], [mean_oddball-se_oddball, fliplr(mean_oddball+se_oddball)],  shaded_area{2}, 'edgecolor', 'none', 'FaceAlpha', .3);

% Shaded area to indicate negative cluster
idx_neg_time = find(stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.negclusterslabelmat(Neg.row(Neg.idx),:)==1);
hold all
patch([grandavg_standard.time(idx_neg_time),fliplr(grandavg_standard.time(idx_neg_time))], [(ones(size(grandavg_standard.time(idx_neg_time),2),1)*-15)', fliplr((ones(size(grandavg_standard.time(idx_neg_time),2),1)*15)')], shaded_area{3}, 'edgecolor', 'none', 'FaceAlpha', .1)

xlabel('Time [s]');
ylabel('Amplitude [mV]');
ylim([-15 15])
line([-.5 1],[ 0 0], 'Color', [0 0 0],'LineStyle', ':')
title(['Maximum effect of negative cluster at channel ' grandavg_standard.label(Neg.row(Neg.idx))])

3.4.5 Plot effect size topography highlighting cluster-based permutation test results

%% 3.4.5 Plot effect size topography highlighting cluster-based permutation test results

% Determine effect size for each channel x time pair
cfg           = [];
cfg.parameter = 'individual';
cfg.method    = 'analytic';
cfg.statistic = 'cohensd';
cfg.ivar      = 1;
cfg.uvar      = 2;
num_sub       = length(standard_all);    = [
  1*ones(1,num_sub) 2*ones(1,num_sub)
  1:num_sub         1:num_sub

effect_all_with_mask = ft_timelockstatistics(cfg, grandavg_standard_all, grandavg_oddball_all);

% Create mask to indicate clusters
effect_all_with_mask.mask = stat_standard_oddball_clusstats.mask;

cfg               = [];
cfg.layout        = 'EEG1010.lay';
cfg.parameter     = 'cohensd';
cfg.maskparameter = 'mask';
cfg.linecolor     = [0 0 0];

close all