Advanced MEG/EEG toolkit at the Donders
On 8-12 April 2019 we will host the “Advanced MEG/EEG toolkit” at the Donders Institute in Nijmegen.
This intense 5-day toolkit course will teach you advanced MEG and EEG data analysis skills. Preprocessing, frequency analysis, source reconstruction, connectivity and various statistical methods will be covered. The toolkit will consist of a number of lectures, followed by hands-on sessions in which you will be tutored through the complete analysis of MEG and EEG data sets, and there will also be plenty of opportunity to interact and ask questions to us about your research and data. On the final day you will have the opportunity to work on your own dataset under supervision of the tutors.
Organizer: Robert Oostenveld, with the help of many colleagues.
Registration is closed.
Detailed Program
Monday April 8, 2019
- 09:00-09:30 Registration, handouts and coffee
- 09:30-09:45 Welcome
- 09:45-10:45 Introduction to EEG/MEG and introduction to the FieldTrip toolbox - lecture
- 10:45-11:00 Coffee Break
- 11:00-12:00 Data acquisition demonstration in the EEG and MEG labs
- 12:00-13:00 Lunch
- 13:00-15:00 Pre-processing - hands-on
- 15:00-15:15 Tea Break
- 15:15-16:30 Time frequency analysis of power - lecture
- 16:30-17:15 Wrap-up-the-day: special topics, general questions and answers
Tuesday April 9, 2019
- 09:00-10:45 Time-frequency analysis of power - hands-on
- 10:45-11:00 Coffee Break
- 11:00-12:15 Spontaneous EEG and sleep - lecture
- 12:15-13:15 Lunch
- 13:15-15:15 Analysis of continuous EEG data - hands-on
- 15:15-15:30 Tea break
- 15:30-16:30 Forward and inverse modeling - lecture
- 16:30-17:15 Wrap-up-the-day: special topics, general questions and answers
- 18:30-22:00 Drinks & dinner at Mi Barrio - Google Maps
Wednesday April 10, 2019
- 09:00-10:00 Source reconstruction using beamformers - lecture
- 10:00-10:45 Beamforming - hands-on
- 10:45-11:00 Coffee Break
- 11:00-12:15 Beamforming - hands-on
- 12:15-13:15 Lunch
- 13:15-14:15 Connectivity analysis of MEG and EEG data - lecture
- 14:15-15:00 Analysis of sensor- and source-level connectivity - hands-on
- 15:00-15:15 Tea Break
- 15:30-16:30 Analysis of sensor- and source-level connectivity - hands-on
- 16:30-17:15 Wrap-up-the-day: special topics, general questions and answers
Thursday April 11, 2019
- 09:00-10:30 Statistics using non-parametric randomization techniques - lecture
- 10:30-10:45 Coffee break
- 10:45-12:00 Statistics using non-parametric randomization techniques - hands-on
- 12:00-13:00 Lunch
- 13:00-14:00 Statistics using non-parametric randomization techniques - hands-on
- 14:00-15:00 Large scale analyses and open science - lecture
- 15:00-15:15 Tea break
- 15:15-17:15 FieldTrip playground part 1
- 17:15-18:00 Wrap-up-the-day: special topics, general questions and answers
- 18:00-19:00 Pizza & drinks
- 19:00-23:00 Joint projects and hackathon (optional)
Friday April 12, 2019
- 09:30-12:00 FieldTrip playground part 2
- 12:00-13:00 Lunch
- 13:00-14:30 FieldTrip playground part 3
- 14:30-14:45 Tea break, testimonials, evaluation
Getting started with the hands-on sessions
For the hands-on sessions we will use MATLAB R2016b, which you can start from the Windows menu. To ensure that everything runs smooth, we will work with a clean and well-tested version of FieldTrip that we have installed on all computers. Importantly, the tutorial data does not have to be downloaded but will also be distributed on the Windows computers under the D:\toolkit2019
Please use MATLAB version 2016b when available. Only a few of the hands-on computers don’t have version 2016b installed, please use the latest MATLAB version that is available on those.