Code of Conduct

The FieldTrip team is dedicated to providing a harassment-free toolkit experience for everyone. We do not tolerate harassment of toolkit participants in any form. This Code of Conduct applies to all of the toolkit’s spaces, including public channels, private channels and direct messages. Anyone who violates this code of conduct may be sanctioned or expelled from these spaces at the discretion of the toolkit organizers.

General Rules

We aim to create a learning platform that welcomes individuals with diverse backgrounds who can interact with each other in a positive environment. We encourage behaviors towards creating such an environment that involves:

  • Being a good listener in the discussions
  • Being respectful to each other viewpoints
  • Always using and encouraging the use of welcoming and inclusive language
  • Giving time to others in thinking and completing their viewpoints.
  • Aiming for the best of the community regarding benefiting from the discussions.
  • Showing support to make everyone feel included and welcomed to the discussions independent from the level of knowledge.

Harassment Statement

Our community is not tolerating any type of harassment that might occur online or offline. In particular this includes the following categories

  • Offensive and unwelcome comments that are addressing
    • Gender
    • Gender identity
    • Sexual orientation
    • Disability
    • Mental illness
    • neuro(a)typicality
    • Physical appearance
    • Body size
    • Age
    • Race
    • National origin
    • Ethnic origin
    • Religion
    • Nationality
    • Immigration status
    • Language
    • Any lack of/indication of identity maker
    • pregnancy/maternal status
    • Marital status
    • Veteran status
    • Political tendance/opinion/affiliation
    • anti-Indigenous/Nativeness
    • anti-Blackness
    • The level of career
    • The level of knowledge in the topic
    • The level of the use of the common language (eg.discussions in English)
  • Any criticizing or attacking behavior regarding a person’s lifestyle preferences and practices regarding any daily activities (eg. eating, health, parenting, use of drugs, employment etc.)
  • Any criticizing, attacking behavior or language regarding the career level, the affiliated university and lab, the project group, the project/the research topic they work on or the country, city, they are in.
  • Intentionally misgendering, using inappropriate or dead pronouns/names.
  • Using/sharing any sexual images, gestures, emojis, jokes, stories, idioms, phrases, wordings, slang language, swearing words, behaviors, voice recordings, videos, links of the web pages throughout the discussions
  • Threats of violence
  • Any deliberate intimidation, insisting and persisting uncalled behavior
  • Stalking, following in both online and offline
  • Sharing/sending any offtopic inappropriate harassing photography, recordings
  • Sustained and intrusive disruption throughout the discussion.
  • Unwelcome sexual attention
  • Any inappropriate, insisting social contact (eg. requesting/pursuing any inappropriate intimacy with the others)
  • Pursuing one-to-one contact in the case where both sides are not openly willing to/confirming the communication.


If you are being harassed, made uncomfortable based on the listed harassment statement section, or if you notice that anyone in the gathering is being harassed, or if you feel any other concerns regarding any disruptive and unacceptable behavior of the others regarding the composure of the discussions please immediately contact the Toolkit Organizers (Robert Oostenveld or Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen ) or any of the Tutors (find their contact here).

This statement includes any incident committers, including the people if they are in the organizer team, tutors or a reputable researcher etc. There is no exclusion regarding the personnel who commit the unwanted behavior to be reported. Therefore please do not hesitate to contact the toolkit team immediately to make your voice heard. The toolkit organizers are responsible to respond to any complaint as promptly as possible they can. If you would get a time lapse between your informing and the response and are still feel uncomfortable with the situation please put your personal safety and well-being first, and consider logging out and be persistent on getting a reply and help from the admin team. Even though you might have taken precautions for yourself, for the safety and health of the community these actions should be stopped immediately.

If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the toolkit organizers have the responsibility to remind the offender about FieldTrip’s Code of Conduct and warn them that repeated inappropriate, uncivil, threatening, offensive or harmful behavior can lead to a temporary or permanent ban from the toolkit. Anyone who violates this code of conduct may be sanctioned or expelled from these spaces at the discretion of the administrators.

Enforcement Process

We take any type of harassment seriously, we would like to report and take the necessary actions accordingly. Harassment and other code of conduct violations reduce the value of our toolkit for everyone. We want you to be happy at our toolkit. People like you make our toolkit a better place. We expect participants to follow these rules at all toolkit sessions and toolkit-related social activities. We think people should follow these rules outside the toolkit activities too!

The FieldTrip team may take action to redress anything designed to, or with the clear impact of, disrupting the toolkit or making the environment hostile for any participants. In the case of a reporting of the violation of the code of conduct, the organizers will discuss the actions to be taken immediately. Whatever the resolution that they decide upon, the decision of the admins involved in a violation case will be considered final and which will be shared with the offender privately.

You can make a report either with your personal email or using an anonymous email. In order to protect any sides of an incident of wrongdoing from abuse and burnout, we reserve the right to reject any report we believe to have been made in bad faith. Reports intended to silence legitimate criticism may be deleted without response. We will respect confidentiality requests for the purpose of protecting victims of abuse. At our discretion, we may publicly name a person about whom we’ve received harassment complaints, or privately warn third parties about them, if we believe that doing so will increase the safety of our participants or the general public. We will not name harassment victims without their affirmative consent.


This was adopted from the Community Covenant.