Preparation for the online toolkit

This is the list of items that we used to get all work organized prior to and during the MEG/EEG toolkit. We have copied the list here so that others organizing similar events might learn something from it.


  • Restructure the format so that it works online
  • Organize online documentation for everyone
  • Settle on a new time schedule
  • Decide on the digital tools to use (Zoom, Slack, Google docs)
  • Find tutors for the online hands-on sessions
  • Figure out the fee with the management and administration
  • Invite everyone on Slack
  • Instruct the tutors/lecturers
  • Test breakout rooms in Zoom
  • Discuss payment with admin
  • Inform management

Data and software

  • Ensure everyone has a MATLAB license
  • Ensure everyone has a proper MATLAB version (Jan-Mathijs)
  • Organize data for download
  • Ensure that everyone has a proper FieldTrip version
  • Inform participants to download

Program time slots etc.

  • Give more tutors write access to the calendar schedule
  • Finalize program
  • Distribute the calendar with the detailed program
  • Organize social events and/or breaks (Joey)
  • Add the tutors to the google calendar (Joey)

Program filling in tutors and lecturers

  • Confirm Eric and Martin to lecture live at the indicated times
  • Assign tutors

Website or google docs

  • Update toolkit2020 program on website (only afterwards)
  • Remove old news from front page
  • Provide instructions about lecture videos to watch (and when)
  • Provide instructions about Q&A sessions
  • Provide instructions about Hands-on sessions

Dry run

  • Schedule and distribute pre-meeting for participants and tutors


  • Make more tutors admin of the Slack workspace
  • Distribute links to session specific shared Q&A google docs
  • Add code of conduct (Sophie)
  • Distribute links to personal hands-on google docs (just before)
  • Make Slack channels for each session (during)
  • Share the slides of the lectures
  • Get permission for recording and sharing video recordings
  • Highlight or link to the current element (throughout the week)
  • Get feedback from participants (afterwards)
  • Send people certificates of attendance
  • Organize payment