Pages in the category "tutorial"
- Analysis of corticomuscular coherence
- Analysis of human ECoG and sEEG recordings
- Analysis of monkey ECoG recordings
- Analysis of sensor- and source-level connectivity
- Automatic artifact rejection
- Beamforming oscillatory responses in combined MEG/EEG data
- Channel and source analysis of mouse EEG
- Classification of event-related MEG data using MVPA-Light
- Cleaning artifacts using ICA
- Cluster-based permutation tests on event-related fields
- Cluster-based permutation tests on time-frequency data
- Coregistration of Optically Pumped Magnetometer (OPM) data
- Creating a BEM volume conduction model of the head for source reconstruction of EEG data
- Creating a clean analysis pipeline
- Creating a FEM volume conduction model of the head for source reconstruction of EEG data
- Creating a source model for source reconstruction of MEG or EEG data
- Creating a volume conduction model of the head for source reconstruction of MEG data
- Dealing with TMS-EEG datasets
- Dipole fitting of combined MEG/EEG data
- Event-related averaging and MEG planar gradient
- Extended analysis of sensor- and source-level connectivity
- Extracting the brain state and events from continuous sleep EEG
- Introduction on dealing with artifacts
- Introduction to the FieldTrip toolbox
- Localizing electrodes using a 3D-scanner
- Localizing oscillatory sources using beamformer techniques
- Localizing visual gamma and cortico-muscular coherence using DICS
- Making a memory efficient analysis pipeline
- Overview of all tutorials
- Parametric and non-parametric statistics on event-related fields
- Plotting data at the channel and source level
- Preprocessing - Reading continuous EEG and MEG data
- Preprocessing - Segmenting and reading trial-based EEG and MEG data
- Preprocessing and analysis of spike and local field potential data
- Preprocessing and analysis of spike-train data
- Preprocessing and averaging of multi-channel NIRS data
- Preprocessing and averaging of single-channel NIRS data
- Preprocessing and event-related activity in combined MEG/EEG data
- Preprocessing of EEG data and computing ERPs
- Preprocessing of Optically Pumped Magnetometer (OPM) data
- Sensor-level ERF, TFR and connectivity analyses
- Source reconstruction of event-related fields using minimum-norm estimation
- Specifying the channel layout for plotting
- Speeding up your analysis using distributed computing with parfor
- Speeding up your analysis using distributed computing with qsub
- Statistical analysis and multiple comparison correction for combined MEG/EEG data
- Time-frequency analysis of combined MEG/EEG data
- Time-frequency analysis using Hanning window, multitapers and wavelets
- Virtual channel analysis of epilepsy MEG data
- Visual or manual artifact rejection
- Whole brain connectivity and network analysis
- Whole brain connectivity and network analysis
- Whole brain connectivity and network analysis