Tags: toolkit2024

Test your MATLAB and FieldTrip installation in advance

Prior to the hands-on sessions, you need to check the functionality of the computational setup you have on your end. This is needed to hit the ground running, and to avoid to spend time on debugging the MATLAB environment during the hands on session. We recommend to use a clean install of a recent version of the toolbox. Once you have set this up, you may want to execute the below code, and check the output.

fprintf('computer: %s\n', computer);

[ftver, ftpath] = ft_version;
fprintf('FieldTrip path is at: %s\n', ftpath);
fprintf('FieldTrip version is: %s\n', ftver);
fprintf('ttest is:        %s\n', which('ttest'))
fprintf('imdilate is:     %s\n', which('imdilate'));
fprintf('dpss is:         %s\n', which('dpss'));
fprintf('fminunc is:      %s\n', which('fminunc'));
fprintf('ft_read_data is: %s\n', which('ft_read_data'));
fprintf('runica is:       %s\n', which('runica'));  % should not be found yet, or the fieldtrip version
fprintf('spm is:          %s\n', which('spm'));     % should not be found yet, or the fieldtrip version

If you get an error that says Undefined function or variable 'ft_version'. please add FieldTrip to the MATLAB path and try again. See here for more information about adding FieldTrip to the MATLAB search path.

Tags: toolkit2024