Creating a BEM volume conduction model of the head for source reconstruction of EEG data


This tutorial demonstrates how to construct a Boundary Element Method (BEM) volume conduction model of the head, also known as head model, based on an individual subject’s anatomical MRI. For didactic reasons we will use the anatomical MRI corresponding to the data that was also analyzed in other tutorials. The original anatomical MRI data, along with the (intermediate) results of this tutorial, can be downloaded from out download server.

In reality we did not record EEG data for this subject, nor do we have recorded electrode positions. To demonstrate the EEG volume conduction model, we will use template electrodes. The template electrodes are not aligned with the individual MRI and head model, hence we will conclude with the alignment of the electrodes.

This tutorial will not show how to perform the source reconstruction itself. If you are interested in source reconstruction methods, you can go to the Localizing oscillatory sources using beamformer techniques and to the Source reconstruction of event-related fields using minimum-norm estimate tutorials.

We have another tutorial that demonstrates how to make a Finite Element Method (FEM) headmodel for EEG. Furthermore, if you are interested in MEG head models, we recommend that you go to the corresponding MEG tutorial.


The EEG/MEG signals measured on or around the scalp do not directly reflect the activated neurons in the brain. To reconstruct the actual activity in the brain, source reconstruction techniques are used. You can read more about the different methods in the review papers that are listed here.

The activity in the brain is estimated from the EEG or MEG signals using

  1. the EEG/MEG activity itself that is measured on or around the scalp
  2. the spatial arrangement of the electrodes/gradiometers relative to the brain (sensor positions),
  3. the geometrical and conductive properties of the head (head model)
  4. the location of the source (source model)

Using this information, source estimation comprises two major steps: (1) Estimation of the EEG potential or MEG field distribution for a known source is referred to as forward modeling. (2) Estimation of the unknown sources corresponding to the measured EEG or MEG is referred to as inverse modeling.

The forward solution can be computed when the head model, the sensor positions and a model for the source are given. For distributed source models and for scanning approaches such as beamforming, the source model consists of a discrete description of the the brain volume or of the cortical sheet in many voxels or vertices. When the forward solution is computed, the lead field matrix (with dimensions Nchan * Nsources) is calculated for each point, taking into account the head model and the sensor positions.

A prerequisite of forward modeling is that the geometrical description of the sensor positions, head model and source model are expressed in the same coordinate system (e.g., CTF, MNI, Talairach) and with the same units (mm, cm, or m). There are different conventions for coordinate systems. The precise coordinate system is not relevant, as long as all data is consistent. Here you can read how the different head and MRI coordinate systems are defined. For most MEG systems, the gradiometers are by default defined relative to head localizer coils or anatomical landmarks, therefore when the anatomical MRI are aligned to the same landmarks, the position of the MEG sensors directly matches the MRI. As EEG data is typically not explicitly aligned relatively to the head, therefore, the EEG electrodes usually have to be explicitly realigned prior to source reconstruction (see also this faq and this example).

Figure 1. Overall outline of the pipeline used for source reconstruction

This tutorial is focusing on how to build the BEM volume conduction model for the head, which is also known as the head model.

A volume conduction model of the head, also known as a head model, is represented in FieldTrip as a MATLAB structure. It describes how the currents flow through the tissue, not where they originate from. In general it consists of a description of the geometry of the tissue(s), a description of the conductivity of the tissue(s), and mathematical parameters that are derived from these. How the mathematical parameters are described depends on the computational solution to the forward problem, either by numerical approximations (e.g., using the boundary element and finite element method, or BEM and FEM), or by exact analytical solutions (e.g., for spherical models).

The more accurate the description of the geometry of the head or the source, the better the quality of the forward model. There are many types of head models which, to various degrees, take the individual anatomy into account. The different head models available in FieldTrip are listed here.

If you do not have an MRI for your subject, you can consider to use a template MRI or a template head model that is located in the FieldTrip template directory. See here for more info.

If you do not have an MRI, but do have a measurement of the scalp surface and/or of the electrodes (e.g., with a Polhemus tracker), you could also fit a concentric spheres model to the scalp and/or electrodes. However, we recommend to use a realistic template head model and fit the measured electrodes to the template head model rather than the other way around.


Here, we will work towards a boundary element method (BEM) volume conduction model of the head. The BEM makes use of the realistic shape of the interfaces (the boundaries) between the skin, skull and brain surfaces. The procedure starts with classifying each of the voxels in the anatomical MRI as one of the tissue types that we want to model; this is termed segmentation. Following the segmentation, we construct triangulated meshes that describe the boundaries. Finally, the BEM model will be computed using the conductivities of the corresponding tissue types.

The anatomical MRI of the tutorial data set is available here. Although we did not record EEG in this study, we will nevertheless use it as example MRI to make an BEM volume conduction model for EEG.

Throughout the process we use ft_sourceplot, ft_plot_mesh and ft_plot_headmodel to check that each of the steps was executed correctly.

Figure; Pipeline for creating a BEM model

Reading in the anatomical data

Before starting with FieldTrip, it is important that you set up your MATLAB path properly.

cd <path_to_fieldtrip>

Then, you can read in the anatomical MRI data.

mri = ft_read_mri('Subject01.mri');

save mri mri

          dim: [256 256 256]
      anatomy: [256x256x256 int16]
          hdr: [1x1 struct]
    transform: [4x4 double]
          fid: [1x1 struct]
          unit: 'mm'
      coordsys: 'ctf'

The structure of the mri variable contains the following fields:

  • dim gives information on the size (i.e. the number of voxels) of the anatomical volume into each direction
  • anatomy is a matrix (with the size and number of dimensions specified in dim) that contains the anatomical information
  • hdr contains the detailed header information from the original file, it contents vary, depending on the file format
  • transform is a homogenous transformation matrix that allows expressing the voxel positions (in the field anatomy) in a certain coordinate system
  • fid is an optional structure with fiducial information, this will in general not be present
  • coordsys specifies the coordinate system
  • unit specifies the units of distance

You can see that in the data we just read in the coordsys specifies that it is already aligned to the CTF coordinate system. This MRI was not read from the original DICOM images, but was in the past already processed using the CTF MRIConverter tool. We will get back to this in the next section.

We can check the overall quality of the MRI image using ft_sourceplot, which allows us to browse through the whole volume.

cfg = [];
cfg.method = 'ortho';
ft_sourceplot(cfg, mri)

In case your MRI appears upside down, don’t worry. This is common and we will address it in the next section.

Figure; Using ft_sourceplot to asses the MRI quality

Things to pay attention to when judging the quality of the MRI are

  • is the MRI image of good quality overall?
  • is the coverage complete, including the tip of the nose, back and top of the head and the ears? Complete coverage is especially important for EEG, as the headmodel includes the scalp.
  • is the MRI contrast homogenous over the whole volume? If not, consider ft_volumebiascorrect.
  • do you see the fiducials that you expect, such as vitamine-E capsules? In this case there are earmold markers along the ear canals, and a marker behind the right ear (for a left/right check).
  • is the part of the MRI outside the head (i.e., the air) uniform and black? If not, you might be able to clean it up with ft_defacevolume.
  • are the anatomical landmarks at the expected coordinates? In this case the nasion is at (116,0,0) mm, the left ear at (0,72,0) mm, the right ear at (0,-71,0) mm, in line with the CTF convention. If not, you will have to realign the MRI to the desired coordinate system (see next section).

Align the MRI to the head coordinate system

The EEG head model needs to be expressed in the same coordinate system as the electrodes and the source model. It is not really relevant which specific coordinate system is used, as long as all are consistently aligned.

Using ft_sourceplot we can check the orientation of the axes and the position of the origin by looking at the numbers taht are printed on screen. Alternatively, we can make a 3D image with ft_determine_coordsys. In the command window it will print that the positive x-axis is pointing towards “anterior”, the positive y-axis is pointing towards the “left” and the positive z-axis is pointing towards “superior”, in line with the CTF convention. You can also see this in the figure, which has the x-axis (red), y-axis (green) and z-axis (blue) pointing in these three directions of the head. The figure also reveals that the y-axis passes through both ears, consistent with the convention at the Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging (DCCN).

% rotate the anatomical MRI around and pay attention to the labels along the axes
% press "n" and "return" in the command window

Figure; Determine the coordinate system in which the original MRI is expressed

You might read your anatomical MRI data from DICOM files, from a NIFTI file, or other formats, with data that is possibly defined in a different coordinate system. In that case it may not give information on the coordinate system in which the anatomical data is expressed. You can check and update the coordinate-system with the ft_determine_coordsys function by specifying in which direction eax axis points and where the origin is relative to the head.

In general following the reading of the MRI, we use ft_volumerealign to align the anatomical MRI to the desired coordinate system. For the CTF coordinate system - as for most coordinate systems used in EEG and MEG - you have to specify the anatomical landmarks (LPA, RPA and nasion). Knowing the voxel indices of these landmarks allows the MRI to be translated and rotated such that the axes of the coordinate systems pass through these landmarks. Following the coregistration or realignment of the MRI, the output of any later processing step on the MRI (reslicing, segmentation, mesh, headmodel) will be expressed in the same coordinate system. Once all anatomical processing of the MRI is done, you can also align the electrodes to the same anatomical landmarks and/or you can fit the electrodes interactively on the scalp surface of your head model.

In this specific case the anatomical MRI is already aligned to the CTF coordinate system. Therefore, we do not need to align the anatomical MRI to any other convention. But if needed, we could have used the previous ft_sourceplot step to identify and write down the voxel indices of the nasion, LPA and RPA.

Using the fiducial locations (in voxels) written down in the previous step, we would do

cfg = [];
cfg.method = 'fiducial';
cfg.fiducial.nas = [ 87   60  116];
cfg.fiducial.lpa = [ 29  145  155];
cfg.fiducial.rpa = [144  142  158];
cfg.coordsys = 'ctf'; % the desired coordinate system
mri_realigned = ft_volumerealign(cfg, mri)

save mri_realigned mri_realigned

If we did not pay attention to the anatomical landmarks when looking at ft_sourceplot, we could also use ft_volumerealign to find them.

cfg = [];
cfg.method = 'interactive'
cfg.coordsys = 'ctf'; % the desired coordinate system
mri_realigned = ft_volumerealign(cfg, mri)

Identifying the nasion is easy. However, it is difficult, if not impossible, to visually distinguish the left and right side from the anatomical MRI. That is why at the DCCN (where this scan was made) we always include a vitamine-E capsule at the right side of the head. Sometimes the vitamine-E capsule is taped on the right mastoid, sometimes it is taped into the right earshell of the protective headphones. To determine the rpa in this specific MRI, you first search for the vitamine-E capsule and then search for the fiducial that marks the right ear canal. Once the rpa been determined, you can move on to the lpa. Other labs might use vitamine-E capsules at the anatomical landmarks themselves, or might not use any fiducials, so please update your own coregistration procedure accordingly.

Exercise 1

Check that the homogenous transformation matrix in mri_realigned is the same as the one in mri. If so, that means that each voxel is at exactly the same position. If you misspecify the voxel indices of the fiducials or anatomical landmarks, they will be different.


The segmentation of the anatomical MRI into brain, skull and scalp works best if the voxels are isotropic, i.e., if the size of the voxel is identical in each direction. If you do not have isotropic voxels, or you are not sure, you can use the ft_volumereslice function to interpolate the anatomical MRI onto isotropic voxels. You can read more about reslicing in this frequently asked question.

An advantage of reslicing is that it also aligns the voxels with the axes of the coordinate system, thereby avoiding it being plotted upside down later in the pipeline.

cfg = [];
cfg.method = 'linear';
mri_resliced = ft_volumereslice(cfg, mri_realigned);

save mri_resliced mri_resliced

Following the reslicing, the MRI should be shown with the correct side up, the field-of-view should be symmetric from left to right. If you move along the first axis, you should see that the first voxel index i increase and that the x position increases (idem for j/y and k/z).

cfg = [];
cfg.method = 'ortho';
ft_sourceplot(cfg, mri_resliced)

Figure; The MRI after assigning the desired coordinate system and reslicing


In this step, the voxels of the anatomical MRI are segmented or classified using ft_volumesegment into the three different tissue types: scalp, skull and brain. You can read more about how the tissue-types are represented in the output of this function in this FAQ.

The segmentation is quite time consuming (~15 minutes). For the purpose of this tutorial you can skip this and load the result and move on to the next step. You can download the result from our download server.

cfg           = [];
cfg.output    = {'brain', 'skull', 'scalp'};
segmentedmri  = ft_volumesegment(cfg, mri_resliced);

save segmentedmri segmentedmri

        dim: [256 256 256]
    transform: [4x4 double]
     coordsys: 'ctf'
         unit: 'mm'
        brain: [256x256x256 logical]
        skull: [256x256x256 logical]
        scalp: [256x256x256 logical]
          cfg: [1x1 struct]

The segmentedmri data structure is similar to the mri data structure, but contains the additional fields:

  • brain: binary representation of the brain
  • skull: binary representation of the skull
  • scalp: binary representation of the scalp

The segmentation does not change the coordinate system, nor the size of the voxels or volume. You can see this in the first three fields (dim, transform and coordsys) which are the same as the corresponding fields in the MRI. The field transform aligns the 3D array in brain, skull and scalp to the coordinate system defined in the coordsys field, just like it did for the anatomy field in the anatomical MRI. It is good practice to check at this point in a figure, whether the segmented compartments look as expected.

Occasionally, the quality of the anatomical image is not sufficient to provide a good segmentation out-of-the-box. This for example happens if there are large spatial inhomogeneities in the MRI that are caused by the anatomical MRI being acquired while the subject was wearing an EEG cap. The ft_volumebiascorrect function allows correcting for these inhomogeneities. The ft_defacevolume function can be used to erase parts of the MRI where there should be no signal, for example artifacts outside the head.

For more information, you can consult this frequently asked question.

The first thing to check is whether the segmented volumes have a reasonable size. The brain compartment should be about 1300-1600 ml, and the skull compartment about 400-500 ml when using cfg.spmmethod='old' which results in the “inflated brain” as skull compartment (see figure below). The volume of the scalp compartment can be arbitrarily large, as it extends to the neck.

ft_checkdata(segmentedmri, 'feedback', 'yes') % display some information about the segmentation

the input is segmented volume data with dimensions [256 256 256]
voxel size along 1st dimension (i) : 1.000000 mm
voxel size along 2nd dimension (j) : 1.000000 mm
voxel size along 3rd dimension (k) : 1.000000 mm
volume per voxel                   : 1.000000 mm^3
the volume of each of the segmented compartments is
brain           :     1573 ml (  9.37 %)
scalp           :     2229 ml ( 13.29 %)
skull           :      452 ml (  2.69 %)
total segmented :     4254 ml ( 25.35 %)
total volume    :    16777 ml (100.00 %)

We can change the segmentation from the probabilistic (or in this case Boolean) representation into an indexed representation; this represents the tissue types by successive integers, which we can plot together color-codes in a single image.

segmentedmri_indexed = ft_checkdata(segmentedmri, 'segmentationstyle', 'indexed')

          dim: [256 256 256]
    transform: [4x4 double]
     coordsys: 'ctf'
         unit: 'mm'
          cfg: [1x1 struct]
       tissue: [256x256x256 double]
  tissuelabel: {'scalp'  'skull'  'brain'}

After adding the anatomical data to the segmentation, we can plot them together. By specifying our own colormap, we can be sure that the tissue types have clearly distinguishable colors.

segmentedmri_indexed.anatomy = mri_resliced.anatomy;

cfg = [];
cfg.method = 'ortho';
cfg.anaparameter = 'anatomy';
cfg.funparameter = 'tissue';
cfg.funcolormap = [
  0 0 0
  1 0 0
  0 1 0
  0 0 1
ft_sourceplot(cfg, segmentedmri_indexed)

Figure; The segmented MRI plotted on top of the anatomy

When visualizing the volume, we should check that the skull and scalp compartment have a consistent thickness, and that both the skull and scalp are neither too thin, nor too thick anywhere. The meshes that we construct in the next step need to be non-intersecting; a very thin layer in the segmentation requires a very fine mesh to prevent it from touching another mesh.

Construct meshes for the boundaries

In this step, triangulated surface meshes are created at the borders between the different tissue types using ft_prepare_mesh. The output consists of surfaces represented by points or vertices that are connected in triangles. The tissues from which the surfaces are created have to be specified and also the number of vertices for each tissue. Since the potential changes the most rapidly on the outside of the brain (or inside of the skull), we want that surface to be the most detailed. The potential does not change rapidly over the scalp, so that can remain relatively coarse. It is common to use the ratio 3/2/1 for the scalp/skull/brain.

cfg = [];
cfg.tissue      = {'brain', 'skull', 'scalp'};
cfg.numvertices = [3000 2000 1000];
mesh = ft_prepare_mesh(cfg, segmentedmri);

save mesh mesh

     pos: [3000x3 double]
     tri: [5996x3 double]
    unit: 'mm'
coordsys: 'ctf'

The mesh structure is an array with three surfaces. Each surface contains the (x,y,z) positions of all vertices in pos and the triangulation in tri, in which each row defines the indices (the row numbers) of three vertices that form a triangle. The first surface represents the boundary between the brain and the inside of the skull, the second the outside surface of the skull, and the third represents the boundary between the scalp and the air.


The meshes can be plotted individually using ft_plot_mesh.

ft_plot_mesh(mesh(1), 'facecolor', 'none'); % brain
view([0 -1 0]); % from the right side

ft_plot_mesh(mesh(2), 'facecolor', 'none'); % skull
view([0 -1 0]); % from the right side

ft_plot_mesh(mesh(3), 'facecolor', 'none'); % scalp
view([0 -1 0]); % from the right side

Figure; The geometry of the BEM surface meshes: brain (top), skull (middle) and scalp (bottom)

Using the curved arrow in the MATLAB figure menu or the rotate3d or view commands, you can turn and look at it from different view points.

You can make more life-like images by changing the color, adding lights and/or changing the reflective parameters of the 3D model. Besides the default skin tone, you can also explicitly use ‘skin_light’,’ skin_medium_light’, ‘skin_medium’, ‘skin_medium_dark’, or ‘skin_dark’.

ft_plot_mesh(mesh(3), 'facecolor', 'skin')

% using another skin tone and better lighting
ft_plot_mesh(mesh(3), 'facecolor', 'skin_dark')
lighting gouraud  % default is flat
material dull     % ranges from dull, default, shiny, metal
light(gca, 'Position', [+1  0  0])
light(gca, 'Position', [-1  0  0])
light(gca, 'Position', [ 0 +1  0])
light(gca, 'Position', [ 0 -1  0])
light(gca, 'Position', [ 0  0 +1])
light(gca, 'Position', [ 0  0 -1])

Since the potential does not change that rapidly on the scalp, it is sufficient for the volume conduction model to have a relatively coarse scalp triangulation. However, if you want to make better quality figures, you might want to make a mesh of the scalp with many more vertices; this is something we will do further down when aligning the electrodes.

We can also plot the surfaces together in the same figure. This allows us to see how the meshes relate spatially to each other.

ft_plot_mesh(mesh(1), 'facecolor','r', 'facealpha', 1.0, 'edgecolor', 'k', 'edgealpha', 1);
hold on
ft_plot_mesh(mesh(2), 'facecolor','g', 'facealpha', 0.4, 'edgecolor', 'k', 'edgealpha', 0.1);
hold on
ft_plot_mesh(mesh(3), 'facecolor','b', 'facealpha', 0.4, 'edgecolor', 'k', 'edgealpha', 0.1);

Figure; The geometry of the BEM surface meshes: all surfaces plotted together

Head model

Now that the scalp, skull and brain have been segmented and surface descriptions have been constructed for each, we will use ft_prepare_headmodel to create the actual volume conduction model.

Here we will specify the ‘dipoli’ method, but there are other methods to build a BEM model. Some of these methods are not supported on all platforms (Windows/macOS/Linux), some of them are more accurate, and some of them do not come pre-packaged and are more of a hassle to install. If ‘dipoli’ does not work for you, you can try ‘openmeeg’ or ’bemcp’. To skip this step and continue with the tutorial, you can also download the result from our download server.

% Create a volume conduction model
cfg        = [];
cfg.method = 'dipoli'; % You can also specify 'openmeeg', 'bemcp', or another method
headmodel  = ft_prepare_headmodel(cfg, mesh);

save headmodel_dipoli headmodel

     bnd: [1x3 struct]
    cond: [0.3300 0.0041 0.3300]
     mat: [6000x6000 double]
    type: 'dipoli'
coordsys: 'ctf'
    unit: 'mm'
     cfg: [1x1 struct]

The headmodel data structure contains the following fields:

  • bnd contains the geometrical description of each boundary
  • cond conductivity of each compartment
  • mat the BEM “system” matrix that relates the potention of each of the 3000+2000+1000 vertices to each other vertex
  • type describes the method that was used to create the headmodel

The bnd field is the same as the mesh that we created in the previous step. The head model also contains a conductivity value for each compartment and a matrix used for the volume conduction model. Note that, as the unit of measurement for the head model is ‘mm’ and the coordsys is ‘ctf’, the EEG sensors should be also defined in ‘mm’ and the CTF coordinate system.

The order in which the different boundaries and tissue types are represented in the output of ft_prepare_headmodel may depend on the BEM method you are using.

Align the electrodes to the head model

There are many EEG manufacturers and almost as many EEG electrode placement systems. Here we will read an extended version of the 10-20 system from the fieldtrip/template directory.

% you may need to specify the full path to the file
elec = ft_read_sens('standard_1020.elc');

    chanpos: [97x3 double]
   chantype: {97x1 cell}
   chanunit: {97x1 cell}
    elecpos: [97x3 double]
      label: {97x1 cell}
       type: 'eeg1010'
       unit: 'mm'

The electrode positions are described in the elecpos field and the label field contains the name of the electrodes. See this frequently asked question for more details.

The head model is expressed in the same units and coordinates as the anatomical MRI, in this case the CTF coordinate system). Therefore, the electrode positions need to be specified accordingly. We can do a first check with

elec = ft_determine_coordsys(elec)

Do you want to change the anatomical labels for the axes [Y, n]? y
What is the anatomical label for the positive X-axis [r, l, a, p, s, i]? r
What is the anatomical label for the positive Y-axis [r, l, a, p, s, i]? a
What is the anatomical label for the positive Z-axis [r, l, a, p, s, i]? s
Is the origin of the coordinate system at the a(nterior commissure), i(nterauricular), s(scanner origin), n(ot a landmark)? n

Figure; Determine the coordinate system in which the original electrodes are expressed

We cannot see what the origin of the coordinate system is aligned to. It is definitely not interauricular, as none of the axes passes (approximately) through the ears. By answering the questions, we can establish that the electrodes are in a RAS coordinate system with the first positive x axis pointing to Right, the second positive y axis to Anterior and the third positive z axis to Superior.

The specific template electrode set that we are using here is in fact coregistered with the MNI coordinate system. It is documented in more detail here and the corresponding template BEM headmodel is documented here.

Manual alignment of the template electrodes

To align the template electrodes with the head model, we can take the scalp surface that we constructed earlier. However, that is (for computational reasons) relatively coarse. We can also make a new scalp surface description with more detail. If we align the electrodes with that, they will also be aligned with the lower resolution head model.

cfg = [];
cfg.tissue      = 'scalp';
cfg.numvertices = 10000;
scalp = ft_prepare_mesh(cfg, segmentedmri);

save scalp scalp

We can plot the electrode positions together with the

ft_plot_mesh(scalp, 'edgecolor','none', 'facecolor', 'skin', 'facealpha', 0.6);
hold on
ft_plot_sens(elec, 'elecshape', 'sphere', 'label', 'on');

% put some lights around the whole scene, but not too bright
material dull
light(gca, 'Position', [+1  0  0], 'Color', [1 1 1]/2)
light(gca, 'Position', [-1  0  0], 'Color', [1 1 1]/2)
light(gca, 'Position', [ 0 +1  0], 'Color', [1 1 1]/2)
light(gca, 'Position', [ 0 -1  0], 'Color', [1 1 1]/2)
light(gca, 'Position', [ 0  0 +1], 'Color', [1 1 1]/2)
light(gca, 'Position', [ 0  0 -1], 'Color', [1 1 1]/2)

Figure; Template electrodes are not yet aligned with the scalp surface.

It is quite clear that the electrodes are not aligned with the scalp surface, they are rotated by 90 degrees, shifted (aka translated), and also appear to have the incorrect overall scale.

We can use ft_electroderealign for interactive alignment

cfg            = [];
cfg.method     = 'interactive';
cfg.elec       = elec;
cfg.headshape  = scalp;
elec_realigned = ft_electroderealign(cfg);

save elec_realigned elec_realigned

Since rotations and translations do not “commute”, i.e. the order in which you execute the rotation matters, it can be confusing to specify all rotations and translations in one go. Instead, you can use the “apply” button to do the transformations stepwise.

In this situation we need

  • rotate -90 around z; apply
  • translate 35 along x and 35 along z; apply
  • scale 0.98 along x, 0.90 along y, and 0.80 along z; apply
  • translate 25 along z; apply
  • rotate 11 degrees around y, translate -5 along x; apply
  • quit

Figure; Use the GUI to align the electrodes

ft_plot_mesh(scalp, 'edgecolor','none', 'facecolor', 'skin', 'facealpha', 0.7);
hold on
ft_plot_sens(elec_realigned, 'elecshape', 'sphere', 'label', 'on');

Figure; Realigned electrodes plotted together with the scalp surface

This electrode structure can be used later when the leadfield is computed with ft_prepare_leadfield and ft_sourceanalysis, or with ft_dipolefitting. During the computation of the leadfield, the electrodes will be projected exactly onto the scalp surface, so don’t worry if the fit is not yet 100% perfect.

Automatic placement based on the anatomical landmarks

When working with EEG recorded from electrodes placed according to the 10-20 system, we can also use ft_electrodeplacement to determine the electrodes. For that we first need to determine the anatomical landmarks, which are sometimes - incorrectly - referred to as fiducials.

We can use either the scalp surface to click on them:

cfg = [];
cfg.method = 'headshape'; = {'nas', 'ini', 'lpa', 'rpa'};
fiducials = ft_electrodeplacement(cfg, scalp);

Or we can use the anatomical MRI to identify them

cfg = [];
cfg.method = 'volume'; = {'nas', 'ini', 'lpa', 'rpa'};
fiducials = ft_electrodeplacement(cfg, mri_resliced);

save fiducials fiducials

The headshape method is easiest for the pre-auricular points, as you can recognize the whole shape of the ears. The volume method is the easiest for the nasion, and by far the most accurate for the inion.

  113.5789   -1.3870   -0.8349
  -74.8196    1.5368   34.6337
   20.4483   67.4268    3.3728
   16.4416  -70.3234    2.5651
  4x1 cell array

After having identified the anatomical landmarks, we can

cfg           = [];
cfg.method    = '1020';
cfg.fiducial.nas = fiducials.elecpos(1,:);
cfg.fiducial.ini = fiducials.elecpos(2,:);
cfg.fiducial.lpa = fiducials.elecpos(3,:);
cfg.fiducial.rpa = fiducials.elecpos(4,:);
elec_placed = ft_electrodeplacement(cfg, scalp);

save elec_placed elec_placed

Again we can plot the electrodes together with the head surface.

ft_plot_mesh(scalp, 'edgecolor','none', 'facecolor', 'skin', 'facealpha', 1.0);
hold on
ft_plot_sens(elec_placed, 'elecshape', 'disc', 'label', 'on');

Figure; High-density 1020 electrodes placed according to the anatomical landmarks on the scalp

You can also plot the realigned template electrodes with the ones from the automatic 1020 placement scheme.

ft_plot_sens(elec_realigned, 'elecshape', 'sphere', 'label', 'on', 'facecolor', 'r', 'fontcolor', 'r');
ft_plot_sens(elec_placed, 'elecshape', 'sphere', 'label', 'on', 'facecolor', 'b', 'fontcolor', 'b');

Figure; Comparing the aligned template positions (red) and the automatically placed 1020 positions ((blue)

Exercise 2

Create a head model with method ‘concentricspheres’ that you fit on scalp, skull and brain surfaces, i.e. using the already made mesh.

Plot the head model using ft_plot_headmodel. You can use facealpha for the transparency, this helps to see the spheres together.

What is the difference between the spherical and the BEM model?

Note that the scalp is unrealistically thick compared to the skull; this is because we fitted it to the whole head surface, all the way up to the neck. The lower part of the head - as well as the lower part of the brain and skull - are not very spherical. Therefore it is recommended to remove them from the meshes prior to fitting the spheres. You can use ft_defacemesh to remove part of the meshes, usually the face, but here you would use it to remove the bottom half of the scalp, skull and brain surfaces.

Exercise 3

In exercise 2, you created a head model with method ‘concentricspheres’. How is its geometrical description defined? What is the difference between the geometrical description of the concentric spheres model and BEM model?

Summary and further reading

This tutorial explained how to build a volume conduction model of the head using a single subject anatomical MRI and the boundary element method (BEM) developed by Oostendorp and van Oosterom (1989). In the exercises, we also compared the BEM model to a concentric spheres model that was fitted on the scalp, skull and brain surfaces.

You can read more about specific source reconstruction methods in the Localizing oscillatory sources using beamformer techniques and in the Source reconstruction of event-related fields using minimum-norm estimate tutorials.

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